Departure from Cancun to the archaeological site of Ek Balam (star-jaguar), known as the “City of the Black Jaguar” and possessing imposing constructions sheltered in the dense vegetation; most of them date from the Late and Terminal Classic periods (550-950 AD). Ek Balam was the capital of the Kingdom of Tah, which dominated the entire eastern Yucatan peninsula between 600 and 850 AD. Ek Balam's combination of architectural styles is unique in the Maya World, and its 45 structures are protected by a walled ring. Crossing a magnificent Mayan arch, a sacbé (sacred white road) begins, which gives us access to the ceremonial center where the members of the high society resided. Here we find the Oval Palace, the Ball Court, the Twin Towers and the Palace of the Nuns. In the so-called North Plaza, the great Acropolis stands out, which contains the imposing tomb of the ruler Ukit Kan Lek Tok'.
We will continue with a panoramic visit of the colonial city of Valladolid; it was founded on May 28, 1543 on the remains of the ancient Mayan settlement of Zací. It is the second most important city in the state of Yucatan, and has been the protagonist of two important chapters in Mexico's history: the beginning of the Caste War in 1847, and witnessed the first spark of the Mexican Revolution in 1910.
At the end of the tour, we will continue to one of the main archaeological sites of the Yucatan Peninsula, Chichen Itza, religious capital of the Itzaes, and whose greatest apogee occurred during the Early Postclassic period (950-1200 A.D.)In 1988, the site was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco, and in its constructions two styles of architecture can be distinguished: Puuc (600-800 A.D.) and Maya-Toltec (800-1100 A.D.). The tour begins at the Castillo, or Temple of Kukulcan. This imposing building, the most emblematic of the site, was recognized as one of the New Seven Wonders of the Modern World on July 7, 2007.
Afterwards, we will head to the Sacred Cenote and other major constructions, such as the Ball Court, the Observatory, also known as the Snail, the Plaza of the
Thousand Columns, and the Temple of the Warriors, among others. At the end of the visit, we will transfer to Merida, capital of the state of Yucatan.
Check-in at the hotel in Merida.
Transfer to the spectacular archaeological site of Uxmal. This beautiful Mayan city, belonging to the Classic period (250-950 A.D.), was the capital of the ancient Xiu Kingdom, which exercised rigid control over the Mayan communities of the north, until it became the political and economic capital of the Puuc region. Among its constructions, of the architectural style also known as Puuc, stand out the Quadrangle of the Nuns, the Ball Court, the Dovecote, the House of the Old Woman, the House of the Turtles, and the Pyramid of the Soothsayer, the most outstanding, for its singular elliptical structure and its 35 meters of height. The Governor's House is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in all of Mesoamerica; its façade was exquisitely decorated with very detailed mosaic-like sculptures. Recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site since December 7, 1996. Return to Merida.
City tour in the capital of the state of Yucatán. Founded on January 6, 1542, Mérida was built over the ancient Maya city of Ichcaanziho, also known as T'Hó. Among its magnificent and elegant constructions --traces of its different historical stages--are the Casa de Montejo, the Cathedral of San Ildefonso (the oldest in continental America) and the Government Palace, located around the famous Plaza Grande, as well as the impressive Peón Contreras Theater. During the panoramic tour of Paseo de Montejo, one of Mexico's most important avenues, we will be able to see the Twin Houses, the Canton Palace and the Monument to the Homeland. Merida was named American Capital of Culture in 2000 and later in 2017.
Departure from the hotel (checkout), and return to Cancun, where you will be dropped off at your hotel.
Note: Please note that the values shown may change before booking, without notice from the suppliers involved.
The rates presented after the booking are subject to cancellation costs.
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