WHYNOT FLY operated by Lusocotur|| RNAVT 6435
WHYNOT FLY operated by Lusocotur|| RNAVT 6435
Pilgrimage and spirituality along the Via Francigena
Preço por pessoa de 573 €

Pilgrimage and spirituality along the Via Francigena

573 €
Preço por pessoa
573 €
preço por pessoa


Legends tell of Lombard kings or runaway princesses who, crossing these lands in the Early Middle Ages, came across divine apparitions. Impressed by these visions, those ancient saints signaled the place of their conversion by having an abbey built on it, in perennial memory, and then decorating it with important relics: the stone that received the blood of the Saviour during the flogging, a piece of the sheet in which his body was wrapped in the tomb, the thorns of his crown and so on. The territory was crossed by the Via Francigena or Romea, which from Canterbury led pilgrims to Rome, as is attested by the diary of the Saxon bishop Sigeric. Along the way all the most important places of worship were opened. Some stretches of this road are still visible, among the hills of the Val d'Orcia, in the winding roads of the upper Lazio. The tour, completely guided, will provide the traveller with adequate knowledge to appreciate not only the historical aspect of the places to be visited, but also the artistic one.


Idiomas do guia

Dia 1: Abbadia San Salvatore
Dia 2: Abbadia San Salvatore
Dia 3: Abbadia San Salvatore
Dia 4: Abbadia San Salvatore
Dia 5: Abbadia San Salvatore, Radicofani, San Quirico d'Orcia, Montalcino, Monteroni D'Arbia, Siena

• accommodation at the chosen accommodation in a double room;

• all meals and tastings as planned;

• inputs as planned;

• naturalistic and artistic guides (on guided tours);

• equipment delivery and equipment rental;

• assistance.

• activities indicated as optional;

• the transfers;

• drinks at meals and extras in general (unless otherwise indicated in the program);

• entrance tickets to sites and monuments;

• tips and extras of a personal nature;

• tourist taxes where applicable;

• everything not expressly indicated in "The price includes".

On request:

Single and triple room on request

Nota: Informamos que os valores apresentados poderão sofrer alterações antes da reserva, sem pré-aviso por parte dos fornecedores envolvidos.

 As tarifas apresentadas após reserva efetuada estão sujeitas a despesas de cancelamento.

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