WHYNOT FLY operated by Lusocotur|| RNAVT 6435
WHYNOT FLY operated by Lusocotur|| RNAVT 6435
Rome and the cinema
Preço por pessoa de 810 €

Rome and the cinema

810 €
Preço por pessoa
810 €
preço por pessoa


Rome and the cinema


Idiomas do guia

Dia 1: Rome
Dia 2: Rome
Dia 3: Rome
Dia 4: Rome
Dia 5: Rome

• hotel accommodation in Rome with bed and breakfast;

• entrance ticket for Cinecittà studios;

• entrance ticket for the Bioparco di Roma;

• A/R transfers by plane and/or train;

• tourist taxes;

• tips and extras;

• transfer;

• everything not expressly stated in "The fee includes".

On request:

Single and triple rooms on request.

Note: Please note that the values shown may change before booking, without notice from the suppliers involved.

The rates presented after the booking are subject to cancellation costs.

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